Ewa returns to her village after a hospital stay. She works on a plantation that grows wild roses. While Ewa was away her mother has been taking care of her children Marysia and Jas. Ewa's husband Andrzej also returns home after working for months in Norway. The time apart has created distance between them. During Marysia's first munion, Ewa starts to feel ill. Her friend Basia drives her home. Basia admits that she leaked the gossip to Andrzej about Ewa's affair with Marcel, a local high school boy. Ewa meets Marcel on the rose plantation. She says that their relationship is over. After Marcel leaves, Marta realizes that Jas, her 2-year-old son, has disappeared. The search begins. After hours a policeman appears and says that Jas has been found. Marta and Andrzej go to the next village and pick up Jas. Ewa returns to the hospital she left a few days before. We discover that Ewa had given birth to a child and put it up for adoption. Ewa wants her child back.
90年代初的波兰,正待迎接共产政权垮台后的崭新未来,年龄光谱横跨数十载的四名女子,也即将遭逢人生的剧变。受困于乏味婚姻生活的主妇,意外爱上教会的神父;严谨干练的小学校长,于一段不伦恋情中饱受煎熬;年轻美丽的舞蹈教练,不愿继续在远距离恋爱中寂寞枯萎;年过半百的文学老师,为教育奉献一生却突然失去了工作。她们的难题各异,命运却紧紧相连。 本片承袭安德烈·华依达、古兹托夫·奇士劳斯基等波兰电影大师衣钵,拥有近似《修女艾达》精致又强烈的影像风格,青年导演托马斯·瓦希勒夫斯基精准掌握内敛镜头和冷冽色调,将四名女性的生命悲剧完美融合,延续波兰制造的优异特质,融汇历史遗绪、社会动荡与宗教反思,反映在极富戏剧性的个人故事中,于2016年第66届柏林电影节力夺最佳剧本银熊奖。