• 俄亥俄州的魔鬼




  • 格蕾丝



    麦德琳(Jordan Ladd 饰)婚后经历了两次流产,所以再次怀孕的她对腹中胎儿寄予厚望,不惜在怀孕前使用药物。平常有些压抑的家庭氛围中,丈夫与婆婆同样重视胎儿的状况。麦德琳决定这次的分娩在医学博士帕蒂家中进行,丈夫有所怀疑但还是顺从了麦德琳的主意。麦德琳产前不适,医生们建议引产但被强硬的帕蒂阻止。心情抑郁的丈夫开车回家途中遭遇车祸,导致胎儿死亡,但麦德琳三周后居然生下一名健康的婴儿。麦德琳精心照料婴儿格蕾丝,却发现自己女儿以血为食,麦德琳只得默默供应女儿的血液需求,另一方面,觉察到异常的婆婆试图剥夺麦德琳的监护权,也由此引发了血腥的结局……   本片获2009年热拉梅电影节评审团奖。

  • 伊卡罗斯



    “伊卡罗斯”是龙格尔所扮演的杀手的代号,只有部分人知道伊卡洛斯这个代号,而其他人只知道他是个已经离婚的单身父亲,工作在一家投资公司。大多数人都没有看到伊卡罗斯的阴暗面,他总是在杀人时表现最佳。多年来他以潜伏特工的秘密电影身份工作在美国,但当其苏维埃祖国解体后,他感到孤立无援。他试图摆脱过去,但有些人不能放过他。伊卡罗斯只好为了家庭妻儿,开始搏杀。   There were those who called him Icarus. Everyone else knew him as a divorced father working for an investment company. But they didn't know his other side-his dark side. Because Icarus was at his best when he was killing people. For years, he'd worked as a sleeper agent in America-but when the Soviet Empire collapsed, he found himself in a foreign country with no one to trust. Determined to break from his dark past, he started over with a new identity. But you can only escape your past for so long. When a sudden mishap in Hong Kong blows Icarus' identity, past and present collide - and the assassin realizes he is now the target. The people that want him dead will stop at nothing to get to him. And that means going after what he cares about most-his wife and daughter. Fighting for his life, Icarus is forced to face the demons of his past to protect the loved ones in his present. He must fight to save the only thing he's ever done right in his life. He needs to uncover who is after him and protect his family - before it's too late.

  • 轰天谍战



    “伊卡罗斯”是龙格尔所扮演的杀手的代号,只有部分人知道伊卡洛斯这个代号,而其他人只知道他是个已经离婚的单身父亲,工作在一家投资公司。大多数人都没有看到伊卡罗斯的阴暗面,他总是在杀人时表现最佳。多年来他以潜伏特工的秘密电影身份工作在美国,但当其苏维埃祖国解体后,他感到孤立无援。他试图摆脱过去,但有些人不能放过他。伊卡罗斯只好为了家庭妻儿,开始搏杀。   There were those who called him Icarus. Everyone else knew him as a divorced father working for an investment company. But they didn't know his other side-his dark side. Because Icarus was at his best when he was killing people. For years, he'd worked as a sleeper agent in America-but when the Soviet Empire collapsed, he found himself in a foreign country with no one to trust. Determined to break from his dark past, he started over with a new identity. But you can only escape your past for so long. When a sudden mishap in Hong Kong blows Icarus' identity, past and present collide - and the assassin realizes he is now the target. The people that want him dead will stop at nothing to get to him. And that means going after what he cares about most-his wife and daughter. Fighting for his life, Icarus is forced to face the demons of his past to protect the loved ones in his present. He must fight to save the only thing he's ever done right in his life. He needs to uncover who is after him and protect his family - before it's too late.




