In 1983 before the giant Suvarnabhumi international airport was built, the neglected and unoccupied area was called "King Cobra Swamp" by the locals. As building commenced, a huge old Banyan tree blocked the constructions path. A work crew call in a mechanical digger to remove the tree. As the roots are torn from the ground 1000s of cobra bones explode from the earth tearing them to pieces. After the passing of the grim massacre, witnesses who survived tell strange stories about and evil Cobra spirit. Years later when a new apartment block was built on the ground, Nin, the buildings owner has to face the horrifying matter when hundreds of Cobra hell bent on killing every living person in the apartment appear. People believe that again it is the vengeance of the Spirit. How will they survive, when being hunted by vengeance without mercy?
《失火夜店的丧命焦尸》:除夕夜,时尚男女云集Santaka夜店狂欢,却遭遇大火,致令死伤者众多。青年阿姆(Akara Amarttayakul 饰)在灾难中失去女友帕塔玛,因此痛苦不堪。灾难的突然和悲惨,使得死难者心有不甘,久久徘徊人间;《死刑监狱的索命冤鬼》:泰国某监狱内,每到夜晚就会有一名身穿红色囚服的男性鬼魂出现,他与囚犯们说话,时刻骚扰着他们的神经,囚犯们不惜以自杀的极端手段来逃避;《公寓顶楼的水箱腐尸》:某幢大厦发生一起凶杀案,凶手趁人不备,将女尸仍在顶楼的水槽内。饮用此水的居民接连遭遇奇怪现象,凶手的噩梦远远没有结束;《求欢宾馆的肢解藏尸》:两男一女到情人旅馆寻欢作乐,殊不知他们的房间内藏有一具女尸。夜深人静,诡异恐怖事件频发…… 本片4则故事均取材自泰国真实的新闻事件。